Sunday, June 28, 2009

My webpage has a new home!

I've finally finished my new website! It is still located at, but you might have to update your bookmarks.

Please let me know what you think by commenting on this post (on the new blog!), or you can send me a Twitter, Facebook message or email.

Check out my twitters:

And be sure to add me as a friend, become a fan, and join my facebook page:

And last but not least, you can also sign up for my newsletter (sent about 4 times a year):

Newsletter Sign-up

Something else that is new is my referral program. When you refer a friend, and they book a photography session, you get rewarded with a discount towards your next photography session with Shelley Jean Photography. Not bad, huh? Just a way to say thanks for spreading the word.

If you are looking for a password to a gallery on the new homepage, just send me a note and I'll forward it onto you.

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